Funds for Where You Live

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Dupree Mutual Funds are 100% no-load municipal bond funds that generate AMT-free and tax-free income for residents of the state named in the title of the fund and certain other states.

Our Kentucky Tax-Free Income Series launched in 1979 and is currently the third oldest single-state municipal bond fund operating in the United States. Since then, we have expanded our tax-free income series to include portfolios for Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee.

For investors seeking shorter average maturities than our income series, we offer short-to-medium series funds designed specifically for investors in Kentucky, North Carolina and Tennessee.

Investors interested in a taxable fund may want to consider our Intermediate Government Bond Series or the Taxable Municipal Bond Series. The Intermediate Government Bond Series invests in U.S. Government Agency securities. The income is federally taxable and a portion of the income is subject to state tax.  The Taxable Municipal Bond Series invests in taxable municipal securities.  The income is federally taxable, and a portion of the income may be subject to state tax.


National Tax Free & Taxable Municipal Funds